Monday, April 20, 2009

Fair and Just

This is the main thought rolling around in my head since yesterday, and the preacher who I felt I disagreed with. (I really wished I could have asked some questions in the middle of church yesterday, because I had a lot of them.) I don't believe it is possible to have everyone feel like there is fairness and justice for everyone. In order for one person to be taken care of it always comes at cost to another. For instance if I am putting on a party for someone, I am trying to honor this person. I can not invite everyone who would want to come, because not everyone makes this person feel special. So in essence I am not being fair to the person who is not being invited.
I have this issue with many things, like family too, not everyone gets along...and when you add divorce into the picture...funerals, weddings and family gatherings are awkward at best. If things are handled somewhat civilly we can usually cope, but things being fair and just, not even maybe. A friend of mine, Dr. Jay Rock wrote a song called "Why?" basically saying "why can't we all get along?"
There is the clash of culture too, something like belching is a compliment in one persons world and an insult in another. Different beliefs, ideologies, and philosophies all contribute to our difficulty. The stronger someone believes that they must make others conform to their beliefs the greater the struggle becomes to have any semblance of peace.
I tend to be a right fighter, bluntly stating what I think, but the older I get the more I realize being right does not bring happiness, getting along does. But there is also a balance here, because if I am willing to have peace at any price, I will loose myself and find no happiness. So I come to the conclusion that this thing called 'fair and just', is far more like walking a tight rope...if I get over balanced either way, I can fall off. And when I fall I always hurt more than just myself, I also injure others, due solely because of community and all the many and varied relationships I have.

1 comment:

  1. yep, there is simply not justice and "fairness" for everyone. Globally why is it fair that my kids get to eat and the kids in Sudan don't? Personally why is it fair that people expect me to be different because I am a pastor's wife? Seems to me north Americans have a very "entitlement" attitude- like we believe we deserve it. But the thing is this world is fallen and as such is just not fair.

    Sorry you wanted to stand up and argue in church yesterday... you totally should have :)
