Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I was raised conservatively and have held to what I would now call a lot of judgmental thoughts. I am not one to jump quickly into something, but I found this you tube which pushes the envelope about mixing Jesus and marijuana. Because I love to rock the boat I just must share, I look forward to a mixture of reactions. Before you jump to conclusions I don't use marijuana, but I have been convicted to stop judging those who do. I think we love our boxes and we want to fit people into them and label them for life. This judgment goes all directions those who would say we don't want Jesus just the mary-jane and those who would say you can't have Jesus if you use pot. I say I need Jesus, and Jesus says He loves the WHOLE world, unconditionally. What do you say?


  1. well, you already know what I say :)

    love you

  2. Hey Becky....what this song is talking about (and the other songs this particular group sings) is the beliefs of Rastafarianism...nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity, but they do practice the "spiritual use" of marijuana. They accept Haile Selassie I, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, as the incarnation of God, called Jah Rastafari. Haile Selassie is also seen as part of the Holy Trinity and as the returned messiah promised in the Bible. They have judged Christians and refer to us as "Babylon". I have worked in a loving way to share with many Rasti's as a missionary, because they need to know the Truth.Certainly Jesus died for their redemption just as much as my own, and loves them just as much as He loves me, and that is what compels me to continue to share the truth with Rasti's when the Lord gives opportunity.

    Just something more to think about...

  3. I appreciate what the above anonymous has to share. I have not heard of Rastafarianism, I shall have to investigate. Thanks

  4. I have done a little investigation into Rastafarianism and although I didn't know all that the anonymous guy said, I know that the references to "king of kings" and "jah" are often mistaken for Christian references. And they use marijuana as a way to commune with Jah.
    All that aside, I know lots of Christians that smoke marijuana and live what I think are authentic Christian lives walking with their saviour the same as I do. I do not judge them and they do not judge me for not smoking it. God will convict them if and when the time is right, or if it is an issue at all. Who am I to say?
